Mindfulness Off the Cushion
Mindfulness Off the Cushion
Welcome Home | Meditation with Geeta Cowlagi
Season 3 Bonus - Special Guest Geeta Cowlagi leads us through a guided meditation focused on the power of sitting with ourselves and feeling a sense of 'Welcome Home' warmth and peace.
We would love to hear from you! - What would you like to know about mindfulness or how it can help you with the issues you are facing? Record your question for our podcast team. If your message is selected, we will answer it on the podcast!
Ask us a question on our website at https://www.austinmindfulness.org/podcast
We hope you enjoy our season with Dr. Sears and are able to learn more helpful ways to practice mindfulness in your daily walk. Enjoy!
Host Lance Vaughn, Co-owner of the Austin Mindfulness Center
Co-host Claudio Barrientos, Mindfulness Instructor at the Austin Mindfulness Center